Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Family as Leeches

As rendered by Haley.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is this interesting any more?

Is there any point in blogging?  Sorry, I think I'm going to do a "why do I blog?" post which I'm pretty sure is like writing a term paper about procrastination or apologizing for the lack of website updates.  Yawn.

We started the 4kiwiwannabes blog as a way of documenting our "adventure" overseas in New Zealand.  Presumably an interesting enterprise that would be be interesting to people who were curious about New Zealand, curious about us, or curious about what happens to people who try to reboot their lives midway through life and do something different.  It had a purpose, and I felt that when I posted, I had genuinely interesting things to write about.  There was fertile ground for compare-and-contrast type of observations, lots of new experiences to describe and so forth.

Now that we're back in Marin is there any point to maintaining a blog of our very ordinary "adventures" in the mundane?  Is there any adventure to be had?  Is any of this interesting?  What's the point?

No, seriously, what's the point?